So How Exactly and Where You Can Profit? ZigiCoin value is povered by the 40% transaction rebate and profit share from all ZigiGroup Products MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR 2000% GROWTH WITHIN 5 YEAR TIME

Grow Your Zigi - up to 47% Yearly
After sale will be closed - the left ZigiCoin will be given out as bonus and used for marketing activities within ZigiCoin owners network giving ZigiCoin owners additional up to 47% R.O.I. yearly.
Buy, Sell & Exchange Cryptocurrency
40% Profit Share Have you ever thought about having your own crypto exchange some day? Maybe team up with someone and run it for unlimited profits sharing the profits? Well - that's already done for you - 40%
Secure Payment System with 1.3% Rebate
ZigiPay is a real Money Machine for ZigiCoin owners as 1,3% from Each Transaction goes as a payout back in ZigiCoin. It's like having your own Payment platform!
Crypto Trading Platform with 25% Profit Share
Participate in Crypto Trading as you would do normally on other platforms - but ZigiCoin owners gets a share from all trades and ZigiTrade profits and increasing in coin value by any users trade !
3% From Each Purchased Share
Now any one can crowdsale any property. Properties placed on sale at ZigiPool after public purchase are managed and further developed by ZigiGroup
Bitcoin Mining with Stable Returns
Earn up to 100% annual return From the most comprehensive cryptocurrency infrastructure developer since 2015. Profit through investments based on cryptocoin mining, trading and eco-friendly powerplant construction.
Link Shortener with Rebate
5% Rebate From Ads Thousands of people have joined ZigiLink Pay Per Click Affiliate Network - All you need is shorten your links via ZigiLink and get paid for advertisements displayed during click on the link.